Monday, May 25, 2015

"GoFundMe" What's This All About

Some of you have received emails or seen on Facebook Alpha and my GoFundMe campaign. So what is this campaign?

Alpha and I are not currently apart of a mission organization, thus we cannot raise support the traditional way through an organization's office. The school I work for pays a small living salary but cannot accept donations on our behalf. The living salary provided gives us an apartment (utilities not included) and about $400 per month. Now most things in Dhaka are cheap! :)...except food :(. It is called a "living" salary because that is all it provides, enough to live on, and two people on one person's living salary is tight! We aren't able to do anything more then live month to month and trust that the Lord will provide and God has been providing in amazing ways!

But now we are left in a dilemma as we do not have enough money to live and save for visas, plane tickets and university. If you have been following my other posts you may already know that we have many decisions ahead of us whether to go to the USA this year (if Alpha get accepted to university) or to stay and work another year at my school (which we don't know if that is possible as my contract ends in June). If we go this year it will be purely on faith that God will provide as we have depleted our savings because of our "living" salary situation. And if we stay finances are not much brighter. Alpha would have to have a job. He has applied to my school but we have not heard back yet and there are limited to no jobs in Dhaka for someone with a bachelors degree. Minimum they usually require a Masters due to the enormous population (hence us want to go to the States for his Masters). 

Alpha and I feel that our home and calling is here in Bangladesh. We want to be fully prepared to do ministry here for the Lord. Alpha needs his Master's of Theology to have credibility in the Christian community here. 

Enter 'GoFundMe'. GoFundMe allows us to raise money all over the world and access it through my American account. All the money we raise will go directly to visas, plane tickets and tuition. Alpha and I are committed to stretching our salary here so that we can live on what we make so we can save everything donated and use it for furthering God's kingdom in Bangladesh through Alpha's education. 

We would be so blessed if you would be willing to come along side us in a sponsor/partnership. You can click the link to the side if you would like to make a donation and please subscribe to this blog at the top by entering your email address so that we can keep you up to date on all the happenings and changes in our lives. 

Here is a break down of the amount we are asking for at this time:
$3000 will cover Alpha's visa fees, applications etc
$4000 will cover our plane tickets to Germany then the USA (We are happy to take miles if you would rather!)
$18000 will cover the first year of tuition and help with living expenses as Emily is working and Alpha is studying (Due to visas Alpha will not be allowed to work in the US, until he gets his permanent residency). 

Thank you for prayerfully considering becoming a part of our team and ministry family!

With thankful hearts,
Emily and Alpha

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