For those of you who have known me for many years, know that my life is hardly ever stationary. So we have come upon another such time. Alpha's dream of attending Seminary is coming true and we are moving to COLORADO!
I have been very blessed to work for World Relief Chicago these last few months as a Refugee Case Manager. It has been intense and rewarding. I have learned many things about myself, politics and some of the most needy and vulnerable around the world. Unfortunately Alpha has not been able to find work in Chicago, partially due to some health issues, but we are seeing more and more how this has been a part of God's plan all along.
When we were first moving to the United States, Alpha expressed his desire to attend Seminary to get his Masters so we could return to Bangladesh fully prepared to do ministry. We looked and applied to a number of schools, but none seemed to fit Alpha's needs. Until recently.
My little brother Jared and I worked at a Christian Camp and Conference Center a number of years ago in the mountains of Colorado. While I was there I stumbled upon a tiny Seminary called the Sangre De Cristo Seminary. One of our co-workers was attending there to get his Masters of Divinity, which is one of two degrees offered.
Sangre De Cristo Seminary came to my mind last year when Alpha and I were looking at schools, because they are small, only 12 students, they could offer one on one teaching that Alpha will need as he studies in a second language. But because they are so small they could not offer him a student visa (as we did not have his green card at the time). So we put it out of our minds. However, last month it came back up, and with Alpha's green card he was able to apply. By the grace of God, there was one full-time spot available and Alpha was accepted.
Now we are looking forward to moving to Westcliffe, Colorado so he can start classes on May 29th. We are stepping out in bold faith, as I do not have a job yet in Colorado. I have an interview this week, so your prayers will be appreciated. We know this is the way God is leading and He has never asked us to do something He wasn't prepared to cover.
The Seminary is non-profit so the tuition is only about $3,000 a semester. Because the Seminary's focus is to prepare pastors for full-time ministry they also allow their students to raise the tuition. Alpha and I would love to be able to jump from school straight onto the missions field back in Bangladesh. If you feel God leading you to help Alpha with his masters, and ultimately back to Bangladesh, and would like to make a tax-deductible donation on his behalf please see the information below. We would love to have you join us on this journey.
Please make checks payable to: Sangre De Cristo Seminary
Sangre De Cristo Seminary
6160 County Rd #130
Westcliffe, Colorado
Please include a note saying: 'On behalf of the tuition for Alpha Samaddar'
If you would like to donate online through PayPal please follow the link below. Again, please include a note: 'On behalf of the tuition for Alpha Samaddar'
Online Donation
If you would like to check out the school's website:
Sangre De Cristo Seminary
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