Saturday, April 30, 2016

One Year Down... Forever to Go

I cannot believe I forgot to write about our 1 year anniversary! And I cannot believe that we have been married for over a year!

On March 20th, 2016 Alpha and I celebrated our 1st anniversary. We had a quiet dinner at a restaurant that looked out over Dhaka city from the 9th floor.

We actually almost missed our dinner together as Alpha spent the day at the government offices getting the last of his paper work sorted and picked up for his visa application. But a prayer over the phone and unusually light Dhaka traffic brought us back together for an evening together.

Here are some pictures from that night as well as some old pictures that were the highlights of our first year together. 
1st Anniversary 
Alpha got me the beautiful flowers and I made the card and sign with our vows. 
Highlight of the year our time in Germany

Going to the Zoo and "Aquarium" in Khulna (Yes that is a shark squeezed into and tank)
The "Aquarium" was fish in formaldehyde 
Titan was a gift from Alpha, we had to give him away due to a no pet policy, but we enjoyed him for a few months
When the Foreigner was shot in Oct, we were not allowed out, we spent a day of unknowns painting with friends
Hanging out with friends

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